El gas natural licuado (GNL) es la forma transportable de almacenamiento de gas natural (metano) que ha sido enfriado a -161ºC para que se vuelva lÃquido, ocupando mucho menos espacio. Después del superenfriamiento, el gas natural licuado es 1/600 del volumen del gas natural, lo que facilita su transporte. Es inodoro, no tóxico, no corrosivo y menos denso que el agua.
Etapas de producción de GNL
Purificación y amp; Deshidración
El gas extraÃdo del suelo contiene impurezas, como agua, mercurio y CO2. Antes de licuar el gas, estas moléculas se eliminan y el gas se deshidrata.
Refrigeración &erio; Licuefacción
Luego, el gas se transfiere a intercambiadores de calor, que enfrÃan el gas a -161ºC, reduciendo su volumen 600 veces, lo que permite un transporte más eficiente. Este proceso también licua el gas en un lÃquido transparente, incoloro y no tóxico.
Almacenamiento, transporte y amp; Marketing
Cuando el gas natural licuado (GNL) llega a su destino, se regasifica y está listo para proporcionar energÃa a la industria, las instituciones, las redes eléctricas e incluso los hogares.
Liquefied natural gas is a highly affordable and dependable energy source. Utilizing LNG brings substantial long term economic savings and environmental benefits while providing a clean burning, less costly, and safe alternative to crude oil products.
The convergence of historically low natural gas prices and the stable, abundant source of natural gas provides off-takers with a unique opportunity to secure long term and low risk supplies of LNG.
Safe Energy
LNG is not flammable, is nontoxic, and continues to have an unrivaled history of safety. In the unlikely event of a spill, LNG quickly vaporizes and dissipates harmlessly into the air with no residual cleanup required.
Many industries rely on gas to produce a wide range of products, including plastics, textiles, paints, dyes, polymers, medicines and fertilizers.
Natural gas, the cleanest fossil fuel, is a highly efficient form of energy. It can be used to produce both heat and electricity simultaneously via cogeneration systems at a much lower cost.
Socially Responsible
LNG is replacing coal, lpg, diesel, and other fuel oils as an international initiative motivated by environmental concerns. By replacing these with natural gas, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, resulting in cleaner air, and more affordable energy.
Pure Fuel
Okra Energy maintains adherence to the strict specifications of interstate pipeline-standards for US, Peru, and Guatemala gas. Buying LNG from Okra Energy means that you're buying the purest LNG possible, with reliable methane content and heating value.
LNG occupies about 1/600 the space of methane in its gaseous form. It can be transported in large quantities in high-capacity tanker trucks as well as ISO (intermodal) containers, enabling the convenient and affordable delivery of energy to factories, power grids and industries that are not reachable by traditional pipelines.
Burning natural gas produces much lower carbon emissions when compared to other fossil fuels such as diesel, lpg, and coal. By using LNG instead of other fossil fuels, CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 75%.
Energy Security
Both solar and wind power are intermittent, unable to provide continuous power generation, and so must be combined with base-load power. LNG is perfectly suited as a cleaner base load fuel and is much cleaner than coal or liquid fossil fuels.
Electricity generation is experiencing a shift from coal-fired to clean-burning gas-fired systems. Natural gas is versatile and can be used for both heating and cooling (think water, houses and hotels) and to power manufacturing and agriculture.
Small-scale, modular plants offer flexibility and reconfigurability as needs grow and production flow increases. Delivery via roads means LNG is ready to go where and when it is needed.